Hair and Nail Vitamins

Hair and nails are very good indicators of the general health condition of the body. Any kind of illness or stress is reflected through the skin, hair and fingernails. Hair and nails show symptoms such as brittleness, thinning, breaking, and splitting when neglected or when the body goes through extreme pressure conditions. Even when the …

Eyebrow Shaping Classes

There are several effective techniques you can use to trim and shape up eyebrows. Many of them will be learned while at cosmetology school or by taking some eyebrow shaping classes. As with most things, there is a bit of an art and a science to getting eyebrows that are the right shape. Since everyone’s …

Do Anti-Aging Products Really Work

There are so many anti-aging creams, potions, and lotions that it can be difficult to figure out which claims are true. However, asking “do anti-aging products really work” is sort of like asking if babies cry: sometimes they do, and sometimes thy don’t. Anti-aging products have been around for a long time, for as long …